questionedithistorytranslationsCurrent version This is the accepted version. added by Ninjai June 2, 2018, 4:40 p.m. A poem written specifically for the bride on the way to her marital chamber is called what? epitaphepinikionepithalamiumepigramEpithalamium was originally among the Greeks a song in praise of bride and bridegroom, sung by a number of boys and girls at the door of the nuptial chamber. Later, it was developed into a special literary form, and received considerable cultivation. Sappho, Anacreon, Stesichorus and Pindar are all regarded as masters of the species.NinjaiShare and bring new players to the game!0Very uninterestingToo difficultPoorly writtenIncorrect or questionableCorrect this questionwikipedia → Epithalamium3Very interesting! wikipedia → Epithalamiumreach: rather globalantiquityliteraturepoetryVotes +1 Very interesting! --- +1 Very interesting! Piper Perabo +1 Very interesting! Ts